Reader Revenue Manager helps publishers grow, retain, and engage their audiences, creating new revenue opportunities through contribution, ad optimization, and reader insight tools. Learn more.

The Reader Revenue Manager integration with Site Kit allows users to connect their site with Reader Revenue Manager giving you the option to add newsletter signups, surveys, registration prompts, or one-time and monthly contribution requests.

The module will be rolled out to a selection of sites as of Site Kit version 1.136.0. More sites will follow in the future. Once the module has been connected with an approved publication, Site Kit will place the necessary code on your site.

Note that at this time, Site Kit supports all prompts, except paywalls. Any additional prompts can be set up directly in the Publisher Center.


Site Kit will prompt you to set up Reader Revenue Manager from the dashboard. You can choose to Set up Reader Revenue Manager which will take you to the setup flow for the module.

Setup banner
Setup banner

You can also set up Reader Revenue Manager for your site from Site Kit > Settings > Connect More Services > Set up Reader Revenue Manager.

Settings connect more services

If you don’t already have a publication created for your site, you will need to create one. When clicking on the Create publication button, you will be directed to the Publisher Center, in order to create a new publication

Setup, no publication

After creating your publication in the Publisher Center, you will need to click on the Reader Revenue Manager product card for Site Kit to be able to detect it.

Reader Revenue Manager product card

After creating a publication, you can return to the Site Kit Reader Revenue Manager setup flow. Click on the Complete setup button. 

If you have created a new publication, this will need to be reviewed by the Reader Revenue Manager team. This can in some cases take up to 2 weeks. You can continue to connect the Reader Revenue Manager module in Site Kit while your publication is being reviewed, but it won’t function until that publication has been approved.

Setup, no publication step 2

If you already have a Reader Revenue Manager publication for your site, you can select that from the list. Once you have selected your publication, click on the Complete setup button.

Setup with multiple publications

If you select a publication that has not been fully set up, Site Kit will notify you of this and provide a link to complete your publication setup in the Publisher Center. You can select to Complete setup in Site Kit without completing your publication setup and complete this at a later stage.

Setup when publication requires further setup

Once your setup has been completed, you will see a success banner on the dashboard. The messaging on these will vary depending on whether your publication is still awaiting review.

Successful setup in Site Kit, incomplete publication setup in Publisher Center
Successful setup notification pending
Account Successfully setup notification

Once your publication has been approved, you may see the introduction popup for Reader Revenue Manger on the dashboard. 

Introduction popup


The Reader Revenue Manager module settings can be accessed from Site Kit > Settings > Connected Services > Reader Revenue Manager.

View settings

The publication selected can be changed by clicking on Edit and selecting a new publication. 

Settings edit

If your publication is still awaiting review, you will see a notice explaining this in the Reader Revenue Manager module settings. You can also check the status of this by clicking on the Check publication status link.

Settings view pending approval

If your publication requires further setup, you will see a notification explaining this in the Reader Revenue Manager settings with a link to complete the publication setup. 

Settings view action required

Disconnecting Reader Revenue Manager

To disconnect the Reader Revenue Manager module, go to Site Kit > Settings > Connected Services > Reader Revenue Manager > Edit and select Disconnect Reader Revenue Manager from Site Kit. When choosing to disconnect the module, you will be presented with the following message.

Disconnect module

The message explains that by disconnecting the module from Site Kit, you will no longer have access to Reader Revenue Manager publication tracking. Your Reader Revenue Manager account will remain active after disconnecting the module.

More Resources

More information on Reader Revenue Manager can be found below: