Still having trouble? Get in touch with our support team by creating a topic on our support forum. Be sure to follow the support forum guidelines when posting.

Our support team may ask you to provide more details to help troubleshoot your issue, or reach out to other providers to get additional context or help.

Sharing Site Health information

NOTE: Before sharing your Site Health information, you must submit a new forum topic so that we can connect your shared information with your topic. If you share Site Health without creating a new topic, we have no way to get in touch with you to assist.

Site Health information provides the support team with a very useful overview of your WordPress site, including your theme, plugins, and WordPress version. To share your Site Health information:

  • In the WordPress admin sidebar, go to Tools > Site Health
  • Click Info at the top of the screen
  • Click the Copy site info to clipboard button
  • Share your information in the Site Kit Site Health Information form or paste it directly into a reply on your support topic
The Site Health info screen
The Site Health info screen

Site Kit Tag Placement in Site Health Status

The Tag Placement section in Tools > Site Health > Status > Passed tests displays how the tags for each connected Site Kit module have been placed on your site.

The Tag Placement section in Site Health Status

The Tag Placement section will display a line for each activated Site Kit module with a status to indicate if a tag is detected and if so, how it was placed:

  • If no tag is detected for a module, you will see: “No tag detected.”
  • If a tag is detected but it cannot be confirmed if it was placed by Site Kit, you will see: “Tag detected but could not verify that Site Kit placed the tag.”
  • If a tag is detected and confirmed to be placed by Site Kit, you will see: “Tag detected and placed by Site Kit.”

Health Check and Troubleshooting

Our support team may ask you to use the Health Check and Troubleshooting plugin to help identify certain issues. A full guide on how to use Troubleshooting Mode is available here. 

Sharing screenshots and videos

The support forums do not allow images or videos to be directly uploaded to replies. To share a screenshot, you can upload them to another service, such as Google Drive or Imgur, and share the link in your reply. WE recommend Loom for easily taking and uploading videos, then sharing the provided link on the forum.

Console errors

Console errors can help us identify if your website is not appropriately loading files that are required for Site Kit to work properly. To view and share your console errors:

  • In Google Chrome, go to the affected page on your WordPress site
  • Right-click somewhere on the page and select Inspect
  • A new panel will open up on the right side or at the bottom of your Chrome screen. Click the Console tab.
  • Copy any of the errors that you see in the Console tab
A Chrome browser window with the Developer Tools open and an arrow pointing to the Console tab

GitHub issues

We use a public GitHub repository to track all development on the Site Kit plugin. Bugs and feature requests reported on the support forum may be added as issues in GitHub, or we may direct you to a GitHub issue to follow for future updates. 

Issues can be followed by logging into GitHub, going to the issue page, and clicking the Subscribe button in the right sidebar: 

The right sidebar on a GitHub issue with the Subscribe button highlighted