In today’s release, we’re making it easier to get in touch with our support team directly from your dashboard and quickly resolve any issues you might have using Site Kit.
If you’ve ever had a question about Site Kit, you’ve likely already met our team on the WordPress support forum. Many Site Kit users are so happy with their quick and helpful answers that they even mention them in 5-star plugin reviews, like this one, this one, or this one 😍
We’ve added an icon in the top bar that will help you navigate to the forum and other useful resources directly from your Site Kit dashboard:

Introducing the Site Kit sidekicks
You might also notice a few new friendly faces in your dashboard and on our website — meet the Site Kit sidekicks!

You’ll be seeing them as you set up Site Kit for the first time, when you connect new services, in errors or other messages on the dashboard, and also on our booths at WordCamps and various other events once it’s safe to meet in person again (hopefully sooner than later!)
The Site Kit sidekicks are part of a bigger project to overhaul the visual design of Site Kit and make it delightful, coherent, and intuitive to use. Stay tuned for more improvements on this front!
As always, if you have questions you’ll find us in the forum — we’d love to hear your thoughts and help.