We’ve heard from many Site Kit users that they’d like to share stats and insights from Site Kit’s dashboard with others on their team without having to give them administrator-level access to their site or share full access to the underlying Google services.
In fact, this was one of the earliest feature requests we received after launching Site Kit – issue #6 has seen a lot of discussion and interesting comments! Thanks to everyone who contributed to this discussion and shared feedback. We took everything to heart and invested a lot of time to design a solution that would be intuitive to use while also meeting our privacy and security standards.
Today, we’re happy to announce that issue #6 is officially closed 🥳
Today, we’re rolling out two new abilities for admins:
- Share a view-only version of the Site Kit dashboard with other roles (e.g. editors, contributors, etc.)
- Grant other administrators the ability to manage view-only access to the dashboard
Note that these new features will become available over multiple releases, so you may not see these changes yet.
Give view-only access to others
As an administrator, you can easily share the Site Kit dashboard by clicking on the share icon in the top-right corner. In the modal, select which services you’d like to share with which WordPress roles. The next time your team logs in, the Site Kit dashboard will be available to them from the WP menu. They won’t need to sign in with a Google account to view the dashboard. If there are other administrators on the site, they can choose if they want to log in and set up Site Kit on their own, or view the shared dashboard.

Administrators can choose which Google services they would like others to be able to view data for on the Site Kit dashboard. As an example, let’s say you’d like the editors on your team to be able to see the overall traffic and top search queries for the site, but not the overall AdSense income. You can give them view-only access to Search Console and Analytics only and skip AdSense.
Let other administrators manage who can view the dashboard
In Site Kit, a module “owner” is the person who originally connected the module by signing in with their Google account. By default, that module owner is the only person who can share data for that module. However, If there’s more than one admin on the site and you’d like other admins to be able to share view-only access for your module to the Site Kit dashboard, you can do this as well from the share icon. These administrators will need to be signed in to their Google account in order to be able to manage access.

Dashboard sharing is very powerful and flexible, so it’s definitely worth reading through our detailed guide to understand the nuances of how it works. And of course, if you have more questions, you can always find us on our WordPress.org support forum.
Happy sharing!