Access blocked: Authorization Error / Error 400: adminpolicy_enforced

Error 400: adminpolicy_enforced

This error can appear if the Google account that you used to set up Site Kit is a Google Workspace account and there are restrictions at Workspace level. If you’re using a Google Workspace email, reach out to your Google Workspace administrator to ask them about any possible restrictions that may be active. Restrictions could be applied for the Site Kit app via Security > API Controls > App Access Control > Site Kit (see this guide), they could be age based, or they could be applied at group level

An error occurred: Your temporary access code is invalid or expired

An error occurred: Your temporary access code is invalid or expired

This error occurs if you have waited too long to proceed to the next step and the temporary access code that is created during setup has expired. Click Cancel to exit setup and restart the setup process.

Checking requirements failed

Checking requirements failed

This error occurs when Site Kit is unable to check whether all plugin setup requirements are met. Most often, this requirement is a lack of permissions in Google Workspace for your Google account to access the appropriate Google service that you are trying to set up via Site Kit. Note that Site Verification and Search Console are required for initial Site Kit setup in addition to any other services that you want to connect. 

To resolve this issue, reach out to your Google Workspace administrator to ask them to turn on permissions for the service for your Google account.

cURL errors

cURL-related errors such as cURL 60 error – no curl.cainfo set in PHP and cURL error 7: Failed to connect to are the result of a misconfiguration at the hosting level, so you’ll need to communicate with your hosting provider or check your hosting configurations to ensure that your site can communicate successfully with

Error: The response is not a valid JSON response

Invalid JSON response

This is a general WordPress error that can occur for a wide variety of reasons, including plugin conflicts, server errors, REST API errors, or browser extensions. If you encounter this error, the troubleshooting steps below may help you determine the cause:

  • Try refreshing the page, as this could have been an intermittent error.
  • Log into your WordPress admin panel from your browser’s incognito window or private browser mode with no extensions activated. If the error does not appear, one of your browser extensions is likely causing a conflict.
  • Check your site’s Site Health status by going to Tools > Site Health > Status. If there is an issue with your WordPress REST API, which Site Kit and many other plugins depend on, it will be highlighted here. Depending on the error, the solution may involve changes at the host level.
  • Use the Health Check and Troubleshooting plugin to enable Troubleshooting Mode, which will allow you to test how your site runs with only the Site Kit plugin active, without the need to disable other plugins. This doesn’t impact the front-end of your site as troubleshooting mode is active for logged-in administrators only. 
  • Search the Fixing WordPress forum for assistance and review previous topics regarding this error for possible solutions

Error: You are currently offline

You are currently offline notice.

This error can appear if you’re experiencing temporary internet or network-related issues. 

It may also occur if you have mismatching WordPress Address and Site Address URL values in your general WordPress configuration in Settings > General. Your WordPress Address (URL) value must match your Site Address (URL) (including http/https) or be a subfolder URL of the Site Address. For example:

Site Address (URL):

WordPress Address (URL):


Site Address (URL):

WordPress Address (URL):

You can change your Site and/or WordPress Address by following this guide from WordPress.

Error connecting Site Kit, Unknown Error (code: getting site failed)

Error message displayed after setup failure

This message will display when there has been an issue setting up Site Kit. This can happen due to the following:

The site ID can’t be found

This happens when Site Kit is unable to find your site ID which is required to complete the setup. You can attempt setup again using the Redo the plugin setup button. If you continue to see this error message, you can open a support topic in the Site Kit forum for more assistance.

Setup flow has timed out  

The Site Kit setup can time out if it is left for too long. If this happens, you will be returned to the beginning of the setup process and see the error connecting Site Kit message. You can attempt setup again using the Redo the plugin setup button.

http request failed

This message indicates that something is blocking the ability for your site to make external connections. Site Kit must be able to make an external connection to for setup. Hosting providers, firewalls, or CDNs can block external connections. Please check with your hosting provider for assistance with troubleshooting.

Maintenance mode and coming soon plugins

Be aware that your site needs to be live (with no temporary “coming soon” page) in order for data to be collected and displayed within the Site Kit dashboard for the connected Google services. 

Maintenance mode and coming soon plugins typically overwrite your WordPress front-end so that your site is not able to connect to Site Kit. Temporarily deactivate these plugins before proceeding with Site Kit setup.

When setup is complete, you can reactivate your coming soon or maintenance mode plugin. 

Looks like the URL of your site has changed

A message stating that your site URL has changed

This message displays when Site Kit cannot find your site’s current URL in the Site Kit service because your site’s URL has changed as part of a site migration, adding/removing HTTPS, and/or using plugins that can change your site’s URLs, such as language plugins. 

Performing a reset of Site Kit by going to Tools > Available Tools > Reset Site Kit will clear your site’s previous URL from Site Kit and allow you to reconnect using the new URL. Note that resetting will cause all previously connected Site Kit modules to be disconnected for all Site Kit users.

Moving domains

While Site Kit can recognize domain name changes, if you plan on moving domains, we recommend resetting Site Kit before migrating your site to your new domain by going to Tools > Available Tools > Reset Site Kit. This ensures your site records are reset on the Site Kit service. 

If you’ve already moved domains and you’re encountering any issues you can perform a site reset in order for the plugin to recognize your new domain. 

Note that by resetting Site Kit, all services will become disconnected for all connected users. You’ll need to configure the plugin and set up each service once again.

Quota errors

Error: Quota Error: You have exceeded the maximum number of writes/day for this project. may occur from time to time when trying to set up Google services. This error is temporary and will often resolve within the next day. Please try setting up again later.

Error: Quota Error: User Rate Limit Exceeded. can occur when individual user quota limits have been exceeded and are typically resolved within an hour Please try again later. To prevent abuse, Site Kit has a limit on the number of “writes” per hour per Site Kit user, where the creation of an Analytics account, property, and/or view via Site Kit is a “write.”

Sign in loop

If you’re being redirected to your homepage or your wp-admin page after a particular stage during the Site Kit setup flow this may be because of a hosting configuration or your site records not matching those on the Site Kit service. 

If you’ve changed your site URL or your WP admin path you can perform a plugin reset to reset your site on the Site Kit service. Note that this will result in you and all other connected users having to set up the plugin and each service once more.

Site Kit has already been configured by another admin of this site

A message to state that Site Kit was connected by another administrator

This message indicates that another WordPress user with administrator permissions on your site has already installed and configured Site Kit. 

To use Site Kit, sign in with your own Google account. If you have permissions to access all of the Google services being used via Site Kit (i.e. Analytics), you will see the appropriate statistics in the Site Kit dashboard. If you see permissions errors, please contact your site administrator to request the necessary access to the associated Google services.

Stuck on Checking Compatibility

If your site gets stuck on the Checking Compatibility screen while trying to set up Site Kit, please create a post on our support forum for assistance.

This error occurs when necessary query parameters are stripped from the URLs that redirect you from Google back to your WordPress site to complete Site Kit setup. Query parameters can be stripped by browser extensions, so redo the Site Kit setup process in a Chrome incognito browser window where no extensions will be activated.

The necessary verification token could not be found on your site

The necessary verification token message.

In the first step of the Site Kit setup process, Site Kit places a verification token (as a HTML file or meta tag) on your website which the Google Site Verification service then checks for to confirm your site ownership. This error message is displayed if the token cannot be found.

Before trying to setup again, please ensure that your site is publicly available and your host, firewall, plugins including maintenance mode plugins, or another configuration is not blocking the Site Verification service. 

If the issue persists, you can verify ownership of your site manually from Search Console, before setting up Site Kit once more. If you still experience the issue, please create a post on our support forum for assistance.

The request to the authentication proxy has failed with an error

The content of this message will vary depending on the cause. Below are some of the variations you may encounter:

cURL error 7: Operation timed out

The cURL may occur if cURL requests are blocked

This message may display if your network requests are blocked at host level, or if you’re experiencing issues with your cURL or DNS configurations. 

If you encounter this message, check with your hosting provider and enquire about any known blocks or limitations. 

cURL error 28: Operation timed out

The cURL variation of this message you will see if disconnected from service during setup

This message will display if your device has been disconnected from your network while setting up Site Kit, resulting in the process timing out. It may also display if your internet connection or server is running slow, or connections are interrupted. 

If you encounter this error then check your internet speed and make sure you are connected to your network before trying to set up again. If you continue to experience this then contact your network and hosting providers.

User has blocked requests through HTTP

The HTTP variation of this message you will see if HTTP requests are blocked

This message will display if you have HTTP requests blocked. Contact your hosting provider to change this setting. 

In some cases, resetting Site Kit may resolve this issue. If a reset does not resolve the issue, please create a post on our support forum for assistance.


The request failed variation of this message

This is a generic error message that can display under different circumstances. This can display because your device is disconnected from the network, HTTP requests are blocked or there may be issues connecting with Site Kit over IPv6. 

If the issue is IPv6 related, the error message will follow a pre-setup warning ‘Your site may not be ready for Site Kit, google_api_connection_fail’. More information on this as well as a solution to set up Site Kit can be found here.
If you are unsure on the cause of this issue, please create a post on our support forum for assistance.

The request to the authentication proxy has failed with an error: a site with the given URL already exists

The message as it appears when trying to set up Site Kit

This message can appear if you are trying to set up Site Kit and there are site records from a previous plugin setup matching your site URL on the Site Kit service. This may have occurred if you moved the location of your WordPress files after Site Kit was successfully set up previously, or because you migrated your site. 

In order to resolve this, please revert to your previous site setup if possible. After doing so, you can reset Site Kit so that all incorrect records are cleared. You can then switch back to your new WordPress install and attempt Site Kit set up once more. 

If you encounter any problems with accessing your old set up, please open a support topic for further assistance. 

Unable to receive access token because of an invalid authorization code or refresh token error

Error invalid authorization code or refresh token

This error can occur when your site access has been revoked for Site Kit. It can also show if Site Kit has been removed from your list of connected third-party apps for your Google account. 

If access has been removed for your site or from your list of connected third-Party apps, this error may not display immediately and will be shown at the Site Kit setup page once you have been disconnected from Site Kit. There is a Redo the plugin setup button to use to set up Site Kit once more. 

If you are having issues with setting Site Kit back up after seeing this error message, open a support topic for further assistance.

Unknown Error (code: redirect_uri mismatch)

This message displays when Site Kit cannot find your site’s current URL because it has changed as part of a site migration, adding/removing HTTPS, and/or using plugins that can change your site’s URLs, such as language plugins. Performing a reset of Site Kit by going to Tools > Available Tools > Reset Site Kit will clear your site’s previous URL from the Site Kit service and allow you to reconnect using the new URL. Note that resetting will cause all previously connected Site Kit modules to be disconnected for all Site Kit users.

Verifying site with META failed

Verifying site with Meta failed.

This error occurs when the Site Kit service is unable to verify your ownership of your site using a meta tag for verification added to your site, and a virtual verification file.

Before trying setup again, please ensure that your site is publicly available and your host, firewall, plugins including maintenance mode plugins, or another configuration is not blocking the Site Verification service. 

If the issue persists, you can verify ownership of your site manually from Search Console, before setting up Site Kit once more. If you try to set up again and still experience the issue, please create a post on our support forum for assistance.

Your site may not be ready for Site Kit, google_api_connection_fail

A warning that your site is unable to communicate with Google services

This message displays when a site is having technical issues requesting data from Google services. This can happen when setting up Site Kit from a region where Google services are blocked or due to configurations at the host level or web host location. 

The message can also display if there are issues connecting with Site Kit over IPv6. Typically when IPv6 addresses are blocked, it is because your IP address falls within a specific range that includes users from regions where Google services are blocked. Unfortunately, these blocks are out of Site Kit’s control. 

If you are experiencing this issue:

  1. Download this mini-plugin, which allows Site Kit setup over IPv4 instead of IPv6
  2. Upload the plugin file on your site by going to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin
  3. Once installed, click on the Activate button
  4. Try setting up Site Kit again

If you see this message and are unsure of the cause and/or unable to resolve the issue, please create a post on our support forum for assistance.

Your site may not be ready for Site Kit: Looks like Site Kit is unable to place or detect tags on your site

A warning that Site Kit can’t place or detect tags on your site

As part of the setup process, Site Kit conducts several checks to ensure that your site will be able to connect to Google and successfully use Site Kit. This message displays when one of those checks has failed. 

Reasons for this check failing may include your WordPress site using a headless environment, an active coming soon or maintenance mode plugin, or a non-standard front page that doesn’t use your active theme. 

When you see this message, it may still be possible to set up Site Kit. If you are unable to complete Site Kit setup,  make sure that your website front page is accessible and using your active WordPress theme. You may need to temporarily deactivate any coming soon or maintenance mode plugins before attempting to set up Site Kit once more. If you are still unable to complete setup, please open a support topic in the Site Kit forum for further assistance.

Your site may not be ready for Site Kit: Looks like your site is having a technical issue with connecting to the Site Kit authentication service.

A warning that that Site Kit can’t access the plugins authentication service

This message displays when Site Kit cannot connect to the Site Kit authentication service, which is used to connect your site with the various Google services. This can occur based on host limitations or restrictions such as firewall rules, cURL configurations or blocks on outgoing http connections. To resolve this, check with your hosting provider for any restrictions on your current plan when making outgoing http requests.

If you ignore this warning and proceed to Site Kit setup, you may be presented with further insights into the cause. Please open a support topic in the Site Kit forum if you have any further queries on this.

Your site may not be ready for Site Kit: Site Kit cannot access the WordPress REST API

A warning that that Site Kit can’t access the WordPress REST API

This message displays when Site Kit cannot connect to the Google Search Console API, which is required for Site Kit. This can occur if your host, a firewall, plugin, or another configuration is blocking the ability to make external API requests, so please check these services to ensure that API connections are not blocked.