Enhanced measurement enables Analytics to automatically track metrics like file downloads, video plays and form interactions with no extra code required. Site Kit will use these richer metrics in new features that show you insights about how visitors interact with your site. This can be enabled during the Site Kit Analytics setup, from the Site Kit dashboard, or via editing your Analytics settings within Site Kit.
To learn more about enhanced measurement and how to enable it from your Analytics account, see here.
Setting up enhanced measurement
As of 1.113.0, you can enable enhanced measurement when connecting Analytics during setup as well as via the Site Kit dashboard and settings if Analytics is already connected.
Analytics setup
When connecting Analytics with a web data stream that does not have enhanced measurement enabled, you can choose to enable enhanced measurement with the Enable enhanced measurement toggle.

If the web data stream selected already has enhanced measurement enabled then you will see the message below:

Dashboard setup
The enhanced measurement dashboard notification allows you to enable enhanced measurement when you have Analytics connected. You can choose Enable now to enable enhanced measurement or Maybe later to clear the notification from the dashboard.
You can still enable enhanced measurement later from your Analytics settings within Site Kit if you select Maybe later.
When selecting the Enable now option, you will be required to select your Google account and grant additional permissions needed to enable enhanced measurement. After enabling enhanced measurement, you will see a banner with a success notice.
Settings setup
Enhanced measurement can also be enabled from within your Analytics settings if you have Analytics connected. To do this, go to Site Kit > Settings > Connected Services > Analytics > Edit and switch on the Enable enhanced measurement toggle.
If you already have enhanced measurement enabled for the connected web data stream, the toggle will not be available and you will see the message ‘Enhanced measurement is enabled for this web data stream.’
Completing setup
Once you enable enhanced measurement, your configured Analytics web data stream will automatically measure interactions on your site in addition to standard page views measurement. The enhanced measurement data can be found in your Analytics account.
If you need further assistance with enhanced measurement, please open a support topic on our support forum.